CMSIS-Pack is a distribution format that makes it easy to use software components, device drivers and middleware in CMSIS development tools including Keil MDK and Keil Studio.
nRF_ANT NordicSemiconductorANT services and data modelling support modules.
nRF_BLE NordicSemiconductorBluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) services and software modules for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_DeviceFamilyPack NordicSemiconductorNordic Semiconductor nRF ARM devices Device Family Pack with BSD license.
nRF_Drivers NordicSemiconductorDrivers for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_Drivers_External NordicSemiconductorDrivers for external hardware used by Nordic Semiconductor nRF family examples.
nRF_Examples NordicSemiconductorExamples and BSP for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_IoT_Examples NordicSemiconductorExamples and BSP for Nordic Semiconductor IoT SDK.
nRF_IoT_Libraries NordicSemiconductorSoftware modules for Nordic Semiconductor IoT SDK.
nRF_IoT_lwIP NordicSemiconductorPort of the lwIP Stack for Nordic Semiconductor IoT SDK.
nRF_Libraries NordicSemiconductorSoftware modules for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_NFC NordicSemiconductorNFC services and data modelling support modules.
nRF_Properitary_RF NordicSemiconductorProprietary RF protocols for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_RTX NordicSemiconductorPort of the ARM CMSIS-RTOS based RTX for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_Serialization NordicSemiconductorSerialization for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) SoftDevices.
nRF_SoftDevice_Common NordicSemiconductorCommon components for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family SoftDevices.
nRF_SoftDevice_S110 NordicSemiconductorComponents for Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) S110 SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_SoftDevice_S120 NordicSemiconductorComponents for Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) S120 SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_SoftDevice_S130 NordicSemiconductorComponents for Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) S130 SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_SoftDevice_S132 NordicSemiconductorComponents for Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) S132 SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_SoftDevice_S1xx_iot NordicSemiconductorComponents for Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) S1xx_iot SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.
nRF_SoftDevice_S210 NordicSemiconductorComponents for ANT/ANT+ S210 SoftDevice for Nordic Semiconductor nRF family.