CMSIS-Pack is a distribution format that makes it easy to use software components, device drivers and middleware in CMSIS development tools including Keil MDK and Keil Studio.
ADuCM410_DFP Analog DevicesAnalog Devices ADuCM410 Device Support and Examples
ADuCM4x50_DFP Analog DevicesAnalog Devices ADuCM4x50 Device Support. (Subject to the Software License Agreement referred to in the Release Notes.)
AIPL AlifSemiconductorAlif Semiconductor image processing library that uses D/AVE2D and Helium acceleration
AIROC_DFP InfineonInfineon CYW208xx Device Support
AKD1000_DeviceFamilyPack BrainchipBrainchip AKD1000 Device Family Pack with Apache license.
APM32A0xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32A0xx Series Device Support
APM32A10x_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32A10x Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32A4xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32A4 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32E1xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32E1 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32F00x_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32F00x Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32F035_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32F035 Series Device Support
APM32F0xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32F0xx Series Device Support
APM32F1xx_DFP APEXMICAPEX Microelectronics APM32F1 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32F1xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32F1 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32F4xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32F4 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
APM32S1xx_DFP GeehyGeehy Semiconductor APM32S1 Series Device Support, Drivers and Examples
Apollo_DFP AmbiqMicroAmbiq Apollo Series Device Support
Arm-2D ArmA 2D graphic library optimized for Cortex-M processors.
ARM_Compiler KeilKeil ARM Compiler extensions for ARM Compiler 5 and ARM Compiler 6
AWS_IoT_Device MDK-PacksSDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C
AWS_IoT_Device_Defender AWSClient library for using the AWS IoT Device Defender service on embedded devices.