CMSIS-Pack is a distribution format that makes it easy to use software components, device drivers and middleware in CMSIS development tools including Keil MDK and Keil Studio.
FREERTOS-KERNEL NXPSoftware Pack for freertos-kernel
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP AWSThread safe FreeRTOS TCP/IP stack working on top of the FreeRTOS-Kernel to implement the TCP/IP protocol with LTS. Suitable for microcontrollers.
FreeRTOS_Cellular_Interface AWSlibrary implements a simple unified API that hides the complexity of cellular modem-specific AT commands and exposes a socket-like interface to C programmer.
FreeRTOS_LTS AWSFreeRTOS LTS libraries that come with security updates and critical bug fixes to the included FreeRTOS kernel and IoT libraries for two years, and are maintained by AWS for the benefit of the FreeRTOS community.
FreeRTOSComponents AlifSemiconductorFreeRTOS Components support for Alif Semiconductor M55_HP and M55_HE device
gemmlowp tensorflowa small self-contained low-precision GEMM library
Google_IoT_Device MDK-PacksGoogle Cloud IoT Device Connector
HTTP_Parser MDK-PacksHTTP request/response parser for C
iMXRT105x_MWP KeilNXP i.MX RT 1051/1052 MDK-Middleware examples and CMSIS-Drivers
iMXRT1060_MWP KeilNXP i.MX RT 1061/1062 MDK-Middleware examples and CMSIS-Drivers
iMXRT1064_MWP KeilNXP i.MX RT 1064 MDK-Middleware examples and CMSIS-Drivers
iMXRT10xx CrankSoftwareEmbedded graphical user interface development tools for building exceptional user experiences.
iMXRT11xx CrankSoftwareEmbedded graphical user interface development tools for building exceptional user experiences.
IoT_Socket MDK-PacksSimple IP Socket (BSD like)
ISSDK NXPSoftware Pack for issdk
Jsmn MDK-PacksMinimalistic JSON parser/tokenizer in C
kissfft tensorflowFast Fourier Transform (FFT) library that tries to Keep it Simple, Stupid
LITTLEFS NXPSoftware Pack for littlefs
LLHTTP NXPSoftware Pack for llhttp
LPC55S6x_TFM-PF KeilNXP LPC55S6x MCU Family TF-M Platform Support
LPC845BREAKOUT_FMSTR_Examples NXPMiddleware fmstr Examples Pack for LPC845BREAKOUT