CMSIS-Pack is a distribution format that makes it easy to use software components, device drivers and middleware in CMSIS development tools including Keil MDK and Keil Studio.
SharkSSL-Lite RealTimeLogicSharkSSL-Lite is a super small and super fast pre-compiled SharkSSL TLS library for Cortex-M3 and up.
SMQ RealTimeLogicSimple Message Queues (SMQ) is an easy to use IoT publish subscribe connectivity protocol designed and optimized for embedded systems.
STM32L5xx_TFM-PF KeilSTMicroelectronics STM32L5 Series TF-M Platform Support
T2G-B-E_DFP InfineonInfineon Traveo T2G Body Entry Device Family Pack
T2G-B-H_DFP InfineonInfineon Traveo T2G Body High Device Family Pack
TencentOS-tiny TencentTencentOS tiny for external devices
tensorflow-lite-micro tensorflowDeep learning framework for on-device inference.
TFM ArmTrusted Firmware-M (TF-M) reference implementation of Arm's Platform Security Architecture (PSA)
TFM-Test ArmTrusted Firmware-M (TF-M) Tests
TINYCBOR NXPSoftware Pack for tinycbor
TinyCBOR MDK-PacksConcise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Library
TWR-KM34Z50MV3_FREERTOS-KERNEL_Examples NXPMiddleware freertos-kernel Examples Pack for TWR-KM34Z50MV3
TWR-KM34Z75M_FMSTR_Examples NXPMiddleware fmstr Examples Pack for TWR-KM34Z75M
TWR-KM34Z75M_FREERTOS-KERNEL_Examples NXPMiddleware freertos-kernel Examples Pack for TWR-KM34Z75M
TWR-KM35Z75M_FMSTR_Examples NXPMiddleware fmstr Examples Pack for TWR-KM35Z75M
TWR-KM35Z75M_FREERTOS-KERNEL_Examples NXPMiddleware freertos-kernel Examples Pack for TWR-KM35Z75M
Unity ArmUnit Testing for C (especially Embedded Software)
USB NXPSoftware Pack for usb
USB_PD NXPSoftware Pack for usb_pd
V2M_MPS3_SSE_300_TFM-PF ArmARM V2M-MPS3 TF-M Platform Support pack.
VIT NXPSoftware Pack for vit