CMSIS-Pack is a distribution format that makes it easy to use software components, device drivers and middleware in CMSIS development tools including Keil MDK and Keil Studio.
ADSP-SC83x_FreeRTOS-OSAL Analog DevicesOS Abstraction Layer binding for FreeRTOS.
AIPL AlifSemiconductorAlif Semiconductor image processing library that uses D/AVE2D and Helium acceleration
Arm-2D ArmA 2D graphic library optimized for Cortex-M processors.
ARM_Compiler KeilKeil ARM Compiler extensions for ARM Compiler 5 and ARM Compiler 6
AWS_IoT_Device MDK-PacksSDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using embedded C
AWS_IoT_Device_Defender AWSClient library for using the AWS IoT Device Defender service on embedded devices.
AWS_IoT_Device_Shadow AWSClient library for using the AWS IoT Device Shadow service on embedded devices.
AWS_IoT_Fleet_Provisioning AWSEnables you to provision IoT devices without device certificates using the Fleet Provisioning feature of AWS IoT Core.
AWS_IoT_Jobs AWSClient library for using the AWS IoT Jobs service on embedded devices.
AWS_IoT_Over-the-air_Update AWSClient library for using the AWS Over-the-air Update service on embedded devices.
AWS_IoT_SigV4 AWSlibrary for generating authentication headers and signatures according to the specifications of the AWS Signature Version 4 signing process.
Azure_IoT MDK-PacksMicrosoft Azure IoT SDKs and Libraries
AZURE_RTOS NXPSoftware Pack for azure_rtos
AzureRTOS AlifSemiconductorAzureRTOS support for Alif Semiconductor M55_HP and M55_HE device
backoffAlgorithm AWSUtility library to calculate backoff period using an exponential backoff with jitter algorithm for retrying network operations (like failed network connection with server).
BAT32G135-S CmsemiconCmsemicon BAT32G135-S Device Family Pack
cJSON MDK-PacksUltralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
CMSIS ArmCMSIS (Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard)
CMSIS-Compiler ArmCMSIS Compiler extensions for Arm Compiler, GCC, Clang, and IAR Compiler
CMSIS-Driver ArmCMSIS Drivers for external devices
CMSIS-Driver_STM32 ArmCMSIS Drivers for STMicroelectronics STM32 Series devices