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  1. Devices
  2. EFM32JG12B Series
  3. EFM32JG12B500
  4. EFM32JG12B500F512GL125


Silicon Labs
  • Family

    EFM32JG12B Series

  • Sub-Family


  • CMSIS Pack


Silicon Labs' EFM32™ Jade Gecko features a powerful 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M3 and a wide selection of peripherals, including a unique cryptographic hardware engine supporting AES, ECC, and SHA.
These features, combined with ultra-low current active mode and short wake-up time from energy-saving modes, make the Jade Gecko family of microcontrollers well suited for any battery-powered application, as well as other systems requiring high performance and low-energy consumption.

Maximum Clock Frequency
Memory Protection Unit
Floating Point Unit
Trust Zone
Digital Signal Processor
CortexM Vector Extensions