Arm Keil MDK v6 Essential and Professional editions are now available to buy as monthly or annual subscriptions from our Developer Tools store. Visit the store to get access to the tools suite today!

  1. Devices
  2. FT32F1 Series
  3. FT32F113
  4. FT32F113V8


  • Core

    Cortex-M3, 72 MHz

  • Family

    FT32F1 Series

  • Sub-Family


  • CMSIS Pack


FT32F1 series of mainstream MCUs covers the needs of a large variety of applications in the industrial, medical and consumer markets. High performance with first-class peripherals and low-power, low-voltage operation is paired with a high level of integration at accessible prices with a simple architecture and easy-to-use tools.
Typical applications include motor drives and application control, medical and handheld equipment, industrial applications, PLCs, inverters, printers, and scanners, alarm systems, video intercom, HVAC and home audio equipment.

- LCD parallel interface, 8080/6800 modes
- 5 V-tolerant I/Os
- Timer with quadrature (incremental) encoder input
- 96-bit unique ID




Maximum Clock Frequency 72 MHz
Memory Protection Unit NO_MPU
Floating Point Unit NO_FPU
Trust Zone
Digital Signal Processor
CortexM Vector Extensions
Endian Little-endian