µVision AC6This demo describes the usage of Quad Decoder feature in FTM module, which can be used to count the position of decoder.An external decoder is used to generate the PHA and PHB's signal. These two signals are feed to the FTM pins with Quad Decoder feature (FTMx_QD_PHA and FTMx_QD_PHB). Then, the counter value and direction would be displayed in terminal window predically.
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µVision AC6This demo describes the usage of Quad Decoder feature in FTM module, which can be used to count the position of decoder.An external decoder is used to generate the PHA and PHB's signal. These two signals are feed to the FTM pins with Quad Decoder feature (FTMx_QD_PHA and FTMx_QD_PHB). Then, the counter value and direction would be displayed in terminal window predically. You can open the mex file with MCUXpresso Config Tool to do further configuration of pin, clock and peripheral.
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µVision AC6The FTM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver to use FTM as a timer.It sets up the FTM hardware block to trigger an interrupt every 1 millisecond.When the FTM interrupt is triggered a message a printed on the UART terminal.
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µVision AC6The GPIO Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to manipulate the general-purposeoutputs.The example is supported by the set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. The example uses the software button to control/toggle the LED.
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µVision AC6The GPIO Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to manipulate the general-purposeoutputs.The example is supported by the set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. The example take turns to shine the LED.
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µVision AC6The Hello World demo application provides a sanity check for the new SDK build environments and board bring up. The HelloWorld demo prints the "Hello World" string to the terminal using the SDK UART drivers. The purpose of this demo is toshow how to use the UART, and to provide a simple project for debugging and further development.
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µVision AC6The i2c_edma_b2b_transfer_slave example shows how to use i2c driver as slave to do board to board transfer with a EDMA master:In this example, one i2c instance as slave and another i2c instance on the other board as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct.
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µVision AC6The i2c_interrupt_b2b_transfer_master example shows how to use i2c driver as master to do board to board transfer with interrupt:In this example, one i2c instance as master and another i2c instance on the other board as slave. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct.
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µVision AC6The i2c_interrupt_b2b_transfer_slave example shows how to use i2c driver as slave to do board to board transfer with interrupt:In this example, one i2c instance as slave and another i2c instance on the other board as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct.
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µVision AC6The i2c_polling_b2b_transfer_master example shows how to use i2c driver as master to do board to board transfer using polling method:In this example, one i2c instance as master and another i2c instance on the other board as slave. Master sends a piece of data to slave, and receive a piece of data from slave. This example checks if the data received from slave is correct.
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