Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a demonstration program of generating a combined PWM signal by the SDK FTM driver. It sets up the FTMhardware block to output PWM signals on two TPM channels. The example also shows the complementary mode of operationand deadtime insertion.On boards that have 2 LEDs connected to the FTM pins, the user will see a change in LED brightness.And if the board do not support LEDs to show, the outputs can be observed by oscilloscope.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver's dual-edge capture feature.This feature is available only on certain SoC's.The example sets up a FTM channel-pair for dual-edge capture. Once the input signal is received,this example will print the capture values and period of the input signal on the terminal window.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver's input capture feature.The example sets up a FTM channel for dual-edge capture. Once the input signal is received,this example will print the capture value.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver's output compare feature.It sets up one FTM channel to toggle the output when a match occurs with the channel value. The usershould probe the FTM output with a oscilloscope to see the signal toggling.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6This application demonstrates how to use the trigger signal generated by FTM to trigger the ADCconversion through PDB module.For instance, the FTM0 is configured to work in PWM mode. And its channel 0 monitors the FTM counterand compares with the channel value. Once the FTM counter matches the channel value, an externaltrigger would be generated. TRGMUX would capture this trigger and route it to PDB module. When thePDB is triggered, the PDB counter increase. Once the PDB matches the ADC pre-trigger value, a triggersignal would generated and sent to ADC module. Finally, the ADC gets the trigger signal and start theconversion.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6This application demonstrates how to use the trigger signal generated by FTM to trigger the ADCconversion through PDB module.For instance, the FTM0 is configured to work in PWM mode. And its channel 0 monitors the FTM counterand compares with the channel value. Once the FTM counter matches the channel value, an externaltrigger would be generated. TRGMUX would capture this trigger and route it to PDB module. When thePDB is triggered, the PDB counter increase. Once the PDB matches the ADC pre-trigger value, a triggersignal would generated and sent to ADC module. Finally, the ADC gets the trigger signal and start theconversion.You can open the mex file with MCUXpresso Config Tool to do further configuration of pin, clock and peripheral.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM pwm two channel Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to generate a square pulse PWM on 2 channel to control the LED brightness.- FTM generates a PWM with the increasing and decreasing duty cycle.- LED brightness is increasing and then dimming. This is a continuous process.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver. It sets up the FTMhardware block to output a center-aligned PWM signal. The PWM dutycycle is periodically updated.On boards that have an LED connected to the FTM pins, the user will see a change in LED brightness.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The FTM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK FTM driver to use FTM as a timer.It sets up the FTM hardware block to trigger an interrupt every 1 millisecond.When the FTM interrupt is triggered a message a printed on the UART terminal.
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Keil Studio, µVision AC6The GPIO Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to manipulate the general-purposeoutputs.The example is supported by the set, clear, and toggle write-only registers for each port output data register. The example uses the software button to control/toggle the LED.
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