Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARFreeMASTER example using Serial-UART communication with the target microcontroller. This example application demonstrates use of FreeMASTER tool to visualize internal variables and to control the application flow by...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6FreeMASTER example using Serial-UART communication with the target microcontroller. This example application demonstrates use of FreeMASTER tool to visualize internal variables and to control the application flow by...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6FreeMASTER example using virtual serial communication at USB port and CDC VCOM class. This example application demonstrates use of FreeMASTER tool to visualize internal variables and to control the application flow...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARFreeMASTER example using virtual serial communication at USB port and CDC VCOM class. This example application demonstrates use of FreeMASTER tool to visualize internal variables and to control the application flow...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6This document explains the freertos_event example. It shows how task waits for an event (defined setof bits in event group). This event can be set by any other process or interrupt in the system.The example application creates three tasks. Two write tasks write_task_1 and write_task_2continuously setting event bit 0 and bit 1.Read_task is waiting for any event bit and printing actual state on console. Event bits areautomatically cleared after read task is entered.Three possible states can occurre:Both bits are set.zBit B0 is set.Bit B1 is set.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis document explains the freertos_event example. It shows how task waits for an event (defined setof bits in event group). This event can be set by any other process or interrupt in the system.The example...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis document explains the freertos_event example. It shows how task waits for an event (defined setof bits in event group). This event can be set by any other process or interrupt in the system.The example application creates three tasks. Two write tasks write_task_1 and write_task_2continuously setting event bit 0 and bit 1.Read_task is waiting for any event bit and printing actual state on console. Event bits areautomatically cleared after read task is entered.Three possible states can occurre:Both bits are set.zBit B0 is set.Bit B1 is set.
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µVision AC6This document explains the freertos_event example. It shows how task waits for an event (defined setof bits in event group). This event can be set by any other process or interrupt in the system.The example...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6This document explains the freertos_generic example. It is based on code FreeRTOS documentation fromhttp://www.freertos.org/Hardware-independent-RTOS-example.html. It shows combination of severaltasks with queue, software timer, tick hook and semaphore.The example application creates three tasks. The prvQueueSendTask periodically sending data toxQueue queue. The prvQueueReceiveTask is waiting for incoming message and counting number ofreceived messages. Task prvEventSemaphoreTask is waiting for xEventSemaphore semaphore given fromvApplicationTickHook. Tick hook give semaphore every 500 ms.Other hook types used for RTOS and resource statistics are also demonstrated in example:* vApplicationIdleHook* vApplicationStackOverflowHook* vApplicationMallocFailedHook
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis document explains the freertos_generic example. It is based on code FreeRTOS documentation fromhttp://www.freertos.org/Hardware-independent-RTOS-example.html. It shows combination of severaltasks with queue, software timer, tick hook and semaphore.The example application creates three tasks. The prvQueueSendTask periodically sending data toxQueue queue. The prvQueueReceiveTask is waiting for incoming message and counting number ofreceived messages. Task prvEventSemaphoreTask is waiting for xEventSemaphore semaphore given fromvApplicationTickHook. Tick hook give semaphore every 500 ms.Other hook types used for RTOS and resource statistics are also demonstrated in example:* vApplicationIdleHook* vApplicationStackOverflowHook* vApplicationMallocFailedHook
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