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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_interrupt_board2board_master example shows how to use spi driver as master to do board to board transfer withinterrupt:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on othereboard as...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_board2board_slave example shows how to use spi driver as slave to do board to board transfer with interrupt:In this example, one spi instance as slave and another spi instance on other board as...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_interrupt_board2board_slave example shows how to use spi driver as slave to do board to board transfer with interrupt:In this example, one spi instance as slave and another spi instance on other board as...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_polling_board2board_master example shows how to use spi driver as master to do board to board transfer with polling:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on othereboard as...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_polling_board2board_master example shows how to use spi driver as master to do board to board transfer with polling:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on othereboard as...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_polling_board2board_slave example shows how to use spi driver as slave to do board to board transfer withpolling:Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode, as there is no polling mode for SPI...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_polling_board2board_slave example shows how to use spi driver as slave to do board to board transfer withpolling:Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode, as there is no polling mode for SPI...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The SPIFI DMA Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to program external serialflash using DMA and read through AHB bus.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe SPIFI DMA Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to program external serialflash using DMA and read through AHB bus.
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µVision AC6The SPIFI Polling Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to program external serialflash using polling and read through AHB bus.
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