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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the othere board as slave....See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_interrupt example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance as slave. Master sends a piece of data to slave,and check if the data slave received is correct.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_interrupt example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance as slave. Master sends a piece of data to slave,and check if the data slave received is correct.
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µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_b2b_master example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer as a master:In this example, the spi instance as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, receive data from...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_interrupt_b2b_master example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer as a master:In this example, the spi instance as master. Master sends a piece of data to slave, receive data from...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_b2b_slave example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer as a slave:In this example, the spi instance as slave. Slave receives data froma master and send a peiece of data to...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_interrupt_b2b_slave example shows how to use spi functional API to do interrupt transfer as a slave:In this example, the spi instance as slave. Slave receives data froma master and send a peiece of data to...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_interrupt_board2board_master example shows how to use spi driver as master to do board to board transfer withinterrupt:In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on othereboard as...See more details in readme document.
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