
LPC54628J512ET180 -
Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_dma_b2b_transfer_slave example shows how to use driver API to transfer in DMA way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master sends a piece of...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_dma_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_dma_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_dma transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses dma mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice ofthe...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_dma transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses dma mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice ofthe...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_int_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_int_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the other board as slave. Master...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_int_transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice ofthe...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe spi_half_duplex_int_transfer_slave example shows how to receive and transmit data to master board.Notice: The SPI slave of this example uses interrupt mode. The data transfer size(not buffer size) is twice ofthe...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The spi_half_duplex_polling_transfer_master example shows how to use driver API to transfer in half-duplex way. In this example, one spi instance as master and another spi instance on the othere board as slave....See more details in readme document.
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