
LPC54628J512ET180 -
µVision AC6The RTC project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK RTC driver. It sets up the RTChardware block to trigger an alarm after a user specified time period. The test will set the currentdate and time to a...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe SCTimer 16-bit counter project is a demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer driver operation when using the SCTimer counteras two 16-bit counters.The example toggles an output per counter when a match occurs.
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µVision AC6The SCTimer 16-bit counter project is a demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer driver operation when using the SCTimer counteras two 16-bit counters.The example toggles an output per counter when a match occurs.
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µVision AC6The SCTImer multi-state project is a demonstration program of the SCTimer state machine. It shows how to set up events to be triggered in a certain stateand transitioning between states.State 0 has 2 events that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe SCTImer multi-state project is a demonstration program of the SCTimer state machine. It shows how to set up events to be triggered in a certain stateand transitioning between states.State 0 has 2 events that...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis SCTIMer project is a demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer driver's PWM generation. It sets up a PWM signaland periodically updates the PWM signals dutycycle.
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µVision AC6This SCTIMer project is a demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer driver's PWM generation. It sets up a PWM signaland periodically updates the PWM signals dutycycle.
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µVision AC6The SCTimer project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer's driver capabiltiy to generate PWM signals.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe SCTimer project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK SCTimer's driver capabiltiy to generate PWM signals.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe SDCARD FATFS project is a demonstration program that uses the SDK software. Tt mounts a file system based on a SD card then does "creat directory/read directory/create file/write file/read file"operation. The...See more details in readme document.
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