
LPC54628J512ET180 -
µVision AC6This example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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µVision AC6This example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe lcdc_cursor example shows how to use LCD hardware cursor.In this example, a 32x32 cursor is shown. The cursor's position is changed atthe end of every frame.The background is:+++ ++ Red ++ ++ +--+ ++ + + ++ +...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The lcdc_cursor example shows how to use LCD hardware cursor.In this example, a 32x32 cursor is shown. The cursor's position is changed atthe end of every frame.The background is:+++ ++ Red ++ ++ +--+ ++ + + ++ +...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The lcdc_tft example shows how to use LCD driver to drive TFT panel.In this example, the cursor palette is used. A rectangle is shown in the panel,its color and position are changed every frame.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe lcdc_tft example shows how to use LCD driver to drive TFT panel.In this example, the cursor palette is used. A rectangle is shown in the panel,its color and position are changed every frame.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe lpc_adc_basic example shows how to use LPC ADC driver in the simplest way.In this example, the internal temperature sensor is used to created the input analog signal. When user type in any key from the keyboard,...See more details in readme document.
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µVision AC6The lpc_adc_basic example shows how to use LPC ADC driver in the simplest way.In this example, the internal temperature sensor is used to created the input analog signal. When user type in any key from the keyboard,...See more details in readme document.
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