
LPC54628J512ET180 -
Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe IAP project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It reads part id, boot code version, unique id and reinvoke ISP. A message a printed on the UART terminal as various bascial iap operations are performed.
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µVision AC6The IAP project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It reads part id, boot code version, unique id and reinvoke ISP. A message a printed on the UART terminal as various bascial iap operations are performed.
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µVision AC6The IAP EEPROM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It writes and reads the EEPROM page. A message a printed on the UART terminal as EEPROM read and write operations are performed.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe IAP EEPROM project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It writes and reads the EEPROM page. A message a printed on the UART terminal as EEPROM read and write operations are performed.
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µVision AC6The IAP Flash project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It erases and programs a portion of on-chip flash memory. A message a printed on the UART terminal as various operations on flash memory are performed.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe IAP Flash project is a simple demonstration program of the SDK IAP driver. It erases and programs a portion of on-chip flash memory. A message a printed on the UART terminal as various operations on flash memory are performed.
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µVision AC6This example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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µVision AC6This example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis example implements the host and the device, where the one controller works as a host and the other controller works as a device.
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