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VSCode with the Arm Keil Studio extension

Accelerate your application development with example projects

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    This is an CADC demo application which shows how to use hardware trigger sources to handlethe CADC hardware trigger function. The Low Power Timer (LPTMR) is a period timer source and the CADChardware trigger event. Because the LPTMR trigger event can be used to trigger one of the CADC ,this demo uses the LPTMR as a trigger source for a CADCx channel. The LPTMR triggers the CADC in afixed frequency and the demo gets the CADC conversion result in the CADC Conversion Complete (COCO) interrupt.This demo uses DAC fifo to generate sinewave on DACx_OUT.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    This is an CADC demo application which shows how to use hardware trigger sources to handlethe CADC hardware trigger function. The Programmable Delay Block (PDB) is a period timer source and the CADChardware trigger event. Because the PDB trigger event can be used to trigger one of the CADC ,this demo uses the PDB as a trigger source for a CADCx channel. The PDB triggers the CADC in afixed frequency and the demo gets the CADC conversion result in the CADC Conversion Complete (COCO) interrupt.This demo uses DAC fifo to generate sinewave on DACx_OUT.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    This is an CADC demo application which shows how to use hardware trigger sources to handlethe CADC hardware trigger function. The Periodic Interrupt Timer (PIT) is a period timer source and the CADChardware trigger event. Because the PIT trigger event can be used to trigger one of the CADC ,this demo uses the PIT as a trigger source for a CADCx channel. The PIT triggers the CADC in afixed frequency and the demo gets the CADC conversion result in the CADC Conversion Complete (COCO) interrupt.This demo uses DAC fifo to generate sinewave on DACx_OUT.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    This is an CADC demo application which shows how to use hardware trigger sources to handlethe CADC hardware trigger function. The Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) is a period timer source and the CADChardware trigger event. Because the PWM trigger event can be used to trigger one of the CADC ,this demo uses the PWM as a trigger source for a CADCx channel. The PWM triggers the CADC in afixed frequency and the demo gets the CADC conversion result in the CADC Conversion Complete (COCO) interrupt.This demo uses DAC fifo to generate sinewave on DACx_OUT.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    CMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord please refer to cmsis_uart_edma_transfer example shows how to use uart cmsis driver with EDMA:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • cmsis_uart_interrupt_transfer

    Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    CMSIS-Driver defines generic peripheral driver interfaces for middleware making it reusable across a wide range of supported microcontroller devices. The API connects microcontroller peripherals with middleware that implements for example communication stacks, file systems, or graphic user interfaces. More information and usage methord please refer to cmsis_uart_interrupt_transfer example shows how to use uart cmsis driver in interrupt way:In this example, one uart instance connect to PC through uart, the board willsend back all characters that PC send to the board.Note: The example echo every 8 characters, so input 8 characters every time.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The CRC Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to generate checksumsfor an ASCII string. Several CRC protocols are implemented using the CRC driver API.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The DAC / CADC demo application demonstrates the use of the DAC and CADC peripherals.This application demonstrates how to configure the DAC and set the output on the DAC.This demo also demonstrates how to configure the CADC and how to read CADC values.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The EDMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It excuates one shot transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK EDMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the EDMA and to provide a simple example fordebugging and further development.

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  • Keil Studio, µVision AC6

    The EDMA memory to memory example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software.It excuates one shot transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK EDMA drivers.The purpose of this example is to show how to use the EDMA and to provide a simple example fordebugging and further development.

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