Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_spi_master_interrupt_lpspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in interrupt way. In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a lpspi slave .
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µVision AC6The flexio_spi_master_interrupt_lpspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in interrupt way. In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a lpspi slave .
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_spi_slave_interrupt_lpspi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in interrupt way. In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a lpspi master.
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µVision AC6The flexio_spi_slave_interrupt_lpspi_master example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in interrupt way. In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a lpspi master.
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µVision AC6The flexio_spi_master_pooling_lpspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in polling way. In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a lpspi slave.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_spi_master_pooling_lpspi_slave example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in polling way. In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a lpspi slave.
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µVision AC6The flexio_uart_edma example shows how to use flexio uart driver in edma way:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board will send back all charactersthat PC send to the board.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_uart_edma example shows how to use flexio uart driver in edma way:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board will send back all charactersthat PC send to the board.
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µVision AC6The flexio_uart_interrupt_ring_buffer example shows how to use flexio uart driver in interrupt way withRX ring buffer enabled:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board...See more details in readme document.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_uart_interrupt_ring_buffer example shows how to use flexio uart driver in interrupt way withRX ring buffer enabled:In this example, a flexio simulated uart connect to PC through USB-Serial, the board...See more details in readme document.
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