Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_i2s_EDMA example shows how to use flexio_i2s driver with EDMA:In this example, flexio acts as I2S module to record data from line-in line and playbacks the recorded data at the same time using EDMA.
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µVision AC6The flexio_i2s_EDMA example shows how to use flexio_i2s driver with EDMA:In this example, flexio acts as I2S module to record data from line-in line and playbacks the recorded data at the same time using EDMA.
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µVision AC6The flexio_i2s_interrupt example shows how to use flexio_i2s driver with interrupt:In this example, flexio acts as I2S module to record data from line-in line and playbacks the recorded data at the same time using interrupt.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_i2s_interrupt example shows how to use flexio_i2s driver with interrupt:In this example, flexio acts as I2S module to record data from line-in line and playbacks the recorded data at the same time using interrupt.
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µVision AC6This demo describes how to use SDK drivers to implement the PWM feature by FLEXIO IP module. It outputs the PWM singal with fixed frequency defined by "DEMO_FLEXIO_FREQUENCY" in source code and dynamic duty from 99 to 1 to one of the FLEXIO pin.
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThis demo describes how to use SDK drivers to implement the PWM feature by FLEXIO IP module. It outputs the PWM singal with fixed frequency defined by "DEMO_FLEXIO_FREQUENCY" in source code and dynamic duty from 99 to 1 to one of the FLEXIO pin.
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µVision AC6The flexio_spi_master_edma example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in edma way:In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a flexio simulated spi slave .
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_spi_master_edma example shows how to use flexio spi master driver in edma way:In this example, a flexio simulated master connect to a flexio simulated spi slave .
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Keil Studio AC6, GCC, IARThe flexio_spi_slave_edma example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in dma way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a flexio simulated spi master.
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µVision AC6The flexio_spi_slave_edma example shows how to use flexio spi slave driver in dma way:In this example, a flexio simulated slave connect to a flexio simulated spi master.
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